October 18, 2024

Stop Labeling Kids

Breaking the stigma surrounding labeling in education. Learn how inclusive pract...

August 02, 2024
3Min Reads
What Are You Learning?

Learning is not just about acquiring new knowledge or skills; it's also about pe...

June 13, 2024
3Min Reads
Free Africa Alliance Launches SKY in Nigeria

In an unprecedented move set to revolutionize personal and professional developm...

May 21, 2024
3Min Reads
Reaching Every African Student Through Differentiation

Differentiation in education is crucial for reaching every student, considering...

December 19, 2023
3Min Reads
Creating a Playful African Classroom: Student Achievement Through Gamification and Game-Based Learning

In recent years, the concept of gamification and game-based learning has gained...

December 19, 2023
3Min Reads
AI vs Humans: A Harmonious Coexistence or Inevitable Showdown?

In recent years, the world has witnessed a technological revolution that has tra...

December 14, 2023
2Min Reads
Innovative School Governance

School governance has traditionally been viewed as a top-down process, with deci...

December 03, 2023
3Min Reads
Cultivating Curiosity: Fostering a Love for Learning in the Classroom

Curiosity is a natural human trait that drives us to explore, discover, and lear...

December 02, 2023
2Min Reads
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