October 18, 2024

What Happens When You Remove Components from a Running Computer?

January 23, 2024
1Min Read

What Happens When You Remove Components from a Running Computer?

So, you've entertained the thought: what would happen if you started removing components from your computer while it's still running? While it might not be a common occurrence, let's explore the consequences of such actions.
The CPU - Brain of the Computer
Let's begin with the CPU, the brain of the computer. If you were to pull out your CPU while the computer is running, it would naturally shut down. The CPU socket, designed for around 10 insertions even while powered off, could be damaged. Additionally, the absence of a CPU can cause electrical damage, as the CPU socket expects a specific electrical resistance.
RAM - The Thought Repository
Removing a RAM stick, which contains the information your computer is actively working on, would cause an immediate system freeze, requiring a restart. Newer DDR5 memory systems can detect catastrophic failures, preventing further program execution. In contrast, older DDR4 systems may not have the same error-detection capabilities, leading to the CP...

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