October 18, 2024

Riot Games cuts more than 500 jobs

January 23, 2024
1Min Read

Riot Games cuts more than 500 jobs

After last year saw over 9,000 layoffs in the video game industry, 2024 is continuing the trend, and League of Legends maker Riot Games is the latest example. On Monday night, the company announced that “we are refocusing on fewer, high-impact projects to move us toward a more sustainable future,” which means eliminating roles for 530 people globally, or about 11 percent of its total workforce.

This news arrives just days after the results of a Game Developers Conference (GDC) survey showed 56 percent of respondents felt layoffs were in store for their studios due in large part to a “post-pandemic course correction.”

Legends of Runeterra and Riot Forge cuts are part of the ‘adjustments’

“Some of the significant investments we’ve made...

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